Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have a mantra for style Two that might suggest their New year's resolution: "What I don't get up front, I get out back." What one thing that you want could you ask for directly in the New Year?

Let's make a suggestion for style 3 also. The mantra here is "Correct your own papers." When you were in school, the teacher determined your ability and achievement; you didn't get to claim your own merit. But as a 3, you will tend to "outsource" your approval, so to start correcting your own papers, what one small symbolic thing could you do that will be as indifferent as possible to any outside reward or punishment, smile or frown?

And for style 4, I assume literacy. Would you please read "Eats, shoots and leaves"? The book is in praise of,of all things, GRAMMAR. You need to realize that systematic structure of your life is a scaffolding for your best creativity. The best writers employ flawless, deliberate grammar. (Yes, I know they break an occasional rule, but always on purpose). What grammar is to literature, structure and order are to your life.

1 comment:

  1. Coach, about 4's-shouldn't we examine what those structures are? If those aren't healthy, is any sort of creativity possible, not to mention just living beyond coping?
