Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last resolutions

I'll finish out the resolutions for each style. If you are an 8, do something nurturing. Keep a plant alive all year, learn to cook a new dish or adopt a stray dog.
If you are a 7,schedule a 10 minute break between tasks on your calendar. If you are a Nine, call someone for lunch and insist that you go where YOU want.

Dr. Monley wrote and asked why our culture worships bigness (Oprah, Microsoft,Walmart). Elementary, Dr. Monley. Size matters.

The problem is that we worship size because in the US, we have a culture that uses extrinsic rewards, not intrinsic ones. A is a better grade than B, even if student B learned more. The reward of learning to read is the erosion of ignorance, not the grade. The reward of work is inner transformation more than the salary. In a 3 culture we tend to ignore the inner pleasure of work/play/learning and focus on the amount of money we earn. We even give kids trophies for playing baseball!

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