Monday, October 11, 2010

Either/ Or #3

An important facet of either/or polarization is that they are mutually dependent. Think teeter-totters of your childhood. Behind the excessive attention to one of the polarities is an unconscious or barely conscious attention to the opposite. In style Three, one division is between success and failure. The more success a Three has, the deeper her failure of fear is apt to be. Oprah is a Three, fabulously successful. The last film she made was about her slave ancestry. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow if one is polarized. Tony Robbins is so rich he owns his own island. His book on Power starts with his narrative about when he was overweight sleeping in a bathtub.

1 comment:

  1. III Trivia....

    Oprah telling Kristin Stewart "Be Yourself":

    "We just want you to be whoever you want us to know you to be, because I understand that being in front of the camera, a person can’t know your whole life, but I don’t think anybody’s waiting for anything other than for you just to sort of be yourself."
