Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seeing is believing

An old, often abused, spiritual tradition was called "custody of the eyes." (It was given to me in Latin - custos oculorum). The understanding was that to focus on what you were all about, you had to control where you look.
Here is a contemporary experience that illustrates that what we see can actually over- ride what we feel.
See how important our Enneagram focus of attention is? What we look for is what we see, and what we see is what we feel. So if you're feeling bad, I have bad news for you - you're looking bad.
So if you would like to make any change in your life, what might you start looking at instead of what you're looking at now? Whatever you look at, you will believe.
A large social observation illustrates that. 17% of Americans still believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth and 25% of Fox viewers believe that Obama is a Muslim. What you see really is what you believe.

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